2023 Annual Report - Flipbook - Page 14
We are so thankful that someone 昀椀nally
spoke up so the remaining bats could
be saved.
These poor animals – and the others
like them s}ll stuck in hell – are su昀昀ering in these condi}ons for a 昀氀ee}ng
glance by humans who won9t even remember them.
The bats that we received were very
lucky, but there are so many like them
elsewhere who s}ll need help. If you
see bats in a cap}ve se琀�ng that looks
inappropriate, please speak out. No}fy
those in charge that the bats in their
care deserve be琀琀er, spread the word so
others can also speak out, and contact
your local humane socie}es and government o昀케cials when needed.
Although the fur on the balding bats
may never grow back, we are so
pleased to report that their mental
scars are already healing. They are
now 昀氀ying well and enjoying a clean,
enriched environment, fresh air, nutri}ous food, expansive 昀氀ight enclosures,
and dozens of new friends who came
from very similar condi}ons. They
have nothing but happiness ahead of
them for the rest of their lives.
Amanda Lollar
Although one of the female bats arrived
here with an infant pup, an ultrasound
proved that none of the other bats
were pregnant.
Aver the mom and pup were se琀琀led,
we determined her baby was a girl.
If her pup had been male, he would
have been neutered when older as
these bats are not na}ve to the U.S.
and can never be released. If we were
to allow breeding here at the sanctuary we would soon run out of room
for other bats in need. All of the bats
were marked with a nontoxic, temporary green paste so we could keep an
eye on them as they se琀琀led in.
Another of the Florida 12, with her head marked in green, cuddling with her new colony
at Bat World Sanctuary.