2023 Annual Report - Flipbook - Page 21
Addison McCool
Out of over 1,600 bats, less than a dozen su昀昀ered permanent injuries because
they were rescued in }me. One of those was Spinner, pictured here. Spinner
su昀昀ered a head injury which lev him with seizures that may last for life. The seizures are being controlled with medica}on and Spinner is living happily with our
non-releasable free-tail bat colony. He will receive life}me care at Bat World
We9re proud of how well our organiza}ons worked together to save so many
lives, and look forward to saving many more bats together!
Addison McCool
This sweet evening bat thought he
had scored the ul}mate accommoda}ons in a pa}o umbrella. He
se琀琀led in to the folds for an avernoon snooze, only to have his nap
interrupted when the umbrella was
suddenly opened and he became
entangled in the umbrella mechanism. Unfortunately, he sustained
an injury to his lev wing. Bumbershoot's injury is not severe, and no
bones were broken, but he needs
}me to heal so he will most likely
stay with Bat World MidCi}es un}l
spring when the weather warms. Note: evening bats are notorious for roos}ng in
the folds of pa}o umbrellas. Some mothers even choose to raise their young in
umbrella9s during the summer months. Many homeowners have chosen to let the
bats have the umbrella as a home while buying a second one for themselves!