2023 Annual Report - Flipbook - Page 25
Kate Rugroden
Kate Rugroden
Beau}ful Bu琀琀er was a vic}m of the ar}c blast described on page 18. She was
found starving with a broken wing and rescued by Bat World MidCi}es. She will
no longer be capable of 昀氀ight so will receive life}me sanctuary with us.
Poor Carrot was found grounded with a badly broken wing aver a strong storm
passed through Dallas, Texas. She was rescued by our volunteers and transferred
to Bat World MidCi}es, where she was also found to be dehydrated and starving.
On arrival, she was given an injec}on of warmed electrolytes, pain medica}on
and an}bio}cs, and allowed to rest in comfortable quarters. Unfortunately, she
will not be releasable, so she will be welcomed into our permanent colony.