2023 Annual Report - Flipbook - Page 28
Addison McCool
Bubs & Bruce were
two of the orphaned
red bats we rescued
this past summer.
Bruce (right) , was the
昀椀rst of the pair to arrive. Bubs (lev) arrived
the next day, and
Bruce welcomed her
with open wings. The
pair became inseparable, and were always
snuggled up close to
each other.
Addison McCool
Bubs & Bruce were hand raised with us un}l they were old enough to survive on
their own in the wild. Unlike other bats, tree bats are always released during the
day to allow them to orient themselves to their surroundings. These bats roost in
trees, typically in a cluster of leaves. When they are released, we mark the spot
where they were placed (photo below), then check early the following morning
to make sure they safely 昀氀ew away. If they do not 昀氀y away, they are taken back in
and allowed more }me before trying again. Li琀琀le Bruce and Bubs 昀氀ew away with
no issues.