2023 Annual Report - Flipbook - Page 36
Addison McCool
Tonda Bone
John Wilber, visi}ng from Georgia, was with us for two weeks during
the summer and was a great help with installing pup catchers for local
businesses in Mineral Wells, Texas. Rachel Thorstenberg, is studying
bat ecology in Kansas and was able to gain invaluable experience
working alongside us during orphan baby bat season. For more informa}on on our externships scan the QR code.
Natalie Perez
Over the summer, sta昀昀 and volunteers were busy at work crea}ng and installing
pup catchers for local businesses, as seen above with bats roos}ng behind the
sign of a local karate studio. Pup catchers allow pups who accidentally fall from
their colonies to crawl safely back up to the roost instead of falling to
the ground below. Pup catchers save countless babies every year.
Scan the QR code for more informa}on about pups catchers, and
how they save bats!