2023 Annual Report - Flipbook - Page 49
Sharing a few of the messages we received in 2023. Receiving notes like these means
more to us than we can fully express! We hope you enjoy reading them. as well.
Thank you for your work. You do
not just save bats, you ac琀椀vely and
e昀케ciently develop and document
the best methodologies for bat rehabilita琀椀on. I truly wish more people got involved and more transla琀椀ons to other languages became
Last summer i save 46 baby bat and
it was only because of your guide and
昀椀rst 琀椀me it happens with success in
Dear Bat World, You are the
main reason our bats in Australia
are getting more help and love
than ever before, that alone is
priceless. You’ve always put the
bats above everything else, like it
should be, Thank you for always
being there for the bats.
Bats are my favorite animals.
What you do helps the world
one life at a time.
Thank you so much for your work saving
these precious creatures and educating people
about why they are so important!! One day
everyone will appreciate how wonderful bats
are and they don’t deserve to be hated.
You are the frontier scientists
in bat rehabilitation. Thank you,
and my greatest respect.