Cat Management Plan 2023 A4 - v3 - SPREADS (002) - Flipbook - Page 23
Cat Owners
Community Cat Carers
Breeders and Sellers
Pet Shops and Pet
Legally required to microchip and register their cat; and
Legally required to comply with the Companion Animal Act.
Provide support and care for the wellbeing, welfare and protection of semiowned and un-owned cats; and
Collaborate and advocate for social, welfare and environmental outcomes
within the current (and future) legislative framework.
Required to have a licence to breed for commercial gain;
Must provide a licence number when advertising cats for sale;
Must ensure that any cat sold or given away is microchipped and owner
details are updated; and
Legally required to comply with the Companion Animal Act.
Source of information and products for cat care and may sell pet cats; and
Must ensure that any cat sold or given away is microchipped and owner
details are updated; and
Legally required to comply with the Companion Animal Act.