Reading Readiness TG - Book - Page 43
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The Letters ‘Kk’
Recognize the letters ‘K’ and ‘k’.
Recognize and say the sound of /k/.
Write the letters ‘K’ and ‘k’.
ABC poster
Mural Piece - ‘K/k’
Letter House poster
Letter Cards - ‘Kk’
Large sheets of paper with the letter ‘V’ written on it (one for each group).
Plasticine/pipe cleaners
Before the Lesson
Prepare Name Cards for students whose names begin with ‘K’.
Prepare several large sheets of paper with the letter ‘V’ written on it. The bottom of the
‘V’ should touch the bottom of the sheet.
There should be enough sheets to provide one for each group of four students.
Lesson Procedure
Body Shape, Action and Chant
• Draw a small ‘k’ on the board.
• Kick your leg out as you chant: (kick, kick) The letter is ‘K’. (kick, kick) The sound is
/k/. The word is ‘kick’.
• Play track 16 and chant along with students; The letter is ‘K’. The sound is /k/. The
word is ‘kick’.
• Ask them how many times they hear the /k/ in the word ‘kick’. (twice)
• Then ask: Where do you hear the /k/ sound in ‘kick’? (at the beginning and at the end)
• Ask; How many lines make a ‘k’? (3 lines)
What Letter am I?
• Hold up a sheet of paper with the letter ‘V’ on it. Say: What letter is this? (V)
• Chant: The letter is ‘V’. The sound is /v/. The word is ‘violin’. Do the violin action.
• Hold the sheet over your head with the bottom of the ‘V’ touching your head. Ask:
What letter am I? (Y)
• Say: Yes. Yes. Chant together with the class: The letter is ‘Y’. Yes, yes, the sound is
/y/. The word is ‘yes’. (Nod heads as they say the letters.)
• Hold the sheet sideways against you so that the bottom of the letter ‘V’ is at the side
of your stomach. Ask: What letter am I? (K)