Made in Warminster
What makes
our school
so special
OVs share fond memories of their time
at Warminster Prep, from singing solos
to joining the rugby team.
Social Entrepreneur
Actor / Publicist
I was at Warminster for twelve years
from the age of 6. I really can’t put into
words how much support I was given and
how much I felt that I could tackle
anything that was thrown at me.
I have Warminster to thank for my love
of acting and the countless opportunities
I’ve had in my life in the industry since
leaving school. I think it was singing whilst
draped in a feather boa, aged just eleven,
as Lena Marelli in the Warminster Prep
production of Bugsy Malone that made
my parents realise that acting was
my calling.
I feel it’s obvious how special the School
is by how much time the teachers invest
in their pupils’ happiness which is, I
believe, the foundation of its success.
It not only set me
up for the immediate
future but lay the
foundations for the
career I’m pursuing
After suffering a lack of continuity in
my early years’ education I relished the
stability that Warminster Prep offered
and the chance to establish deep
friendships. Looking back, my energy
and enthusiasm might have been handled
very differently at another school.
Warminster Prep staff were instrumental
in shaping my personality, ensuring that
these qualities weren’t squashed and
encouraging me to channel them in the
right way. Subsequently, this had a big
impact on my experiences in the Senior
School. I feel I grasped the significance of
the privilege an independent education
affords you early on. I never felt pressured
– just very lucky.
I feel it’s obvious how
special the School is
by how much time
the teachers invest in
their pupils’ happiness
which is, I believe,
the foundation of
its success.