Fall '24 Program Guide - Flipbook - Page 8
Our Academy of Early Learning runs year round
and is open Monday through Friday from
6:15am-6:00pm for toddler and preschool
classrooms, and 7:00am-5:00pm for our
infant classroom. Breakfast, morning snack
and afternoon snack are provided by program,
families pack lunch daily. All lunches must be
nut free and any hot lunches must be packed
in thermoses. Families are responsible for
providing diapers/pull ups, wipes, diaper
cream, and sunscreen for their child(ren). All
age groups nap daily for a period of two hours.
Children enjoy outdoor play daily on ageappropriate playground equipment. Qualified
teachers plan learning activities according to
the Pennsylvania Learning Standards for Early
Childhood. We value partnerships with families
and early education programs. As a result, we
hold several family events throughout the year
as well as parent teacher conferences in the
fall and spring. We pride ourselves in serving
all children with support from our partnerships
with community resources, such as Early
Intervention, LIU, and behavioral and mental
health providers.
Rates below are per week.A non refundable annual
registration fee of $25/child is required at the time of
registration for all children.
Infant (8 Weeks-12 Months)
Member/Potential Member. . . . . . . . . . . . $240*/$255
Infant Care is provided for children ages 6
weeks to their first birthday by nurturing
teachers with the experience and education
necessary to provide a quality early start to
baby’s life. This is achieved through building a
close partnership with families and mimicking
routines at home. As a CACFP sponsored
program, we offer Similac Advance for formula
feeding; for infants who required alternative
formula, families provide prepared bottles
daily. We support breastfeeding mothers by
providing an area to breast feed on site and
always keeping two to three bags of frozen
breastmilk in the freezer. All prepared bottles
must be labeled with child’s name and date
formula was mixed or breastmilk expressed.
Infant’s needs are met on an individual, ondemand basis.
All preschool classrooms in the Academy
are a mixed age level of three to five-yearolds. Our developmentally appropriate
curriculum emphasizes learning through play
and promotes the development of physical,
cognitive, social, and self-help skills. Learning
activities are designed to enhance children’s
development in the areas of language and
literacy development, mathematical thinking,
scientific thinking and technology, social
studies, creative arts and expression, health
and wellness, as well as social and emotional
In accordance with federal civil rights law and
U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights
regulations and policies, this institution is prohibited
from discriminating on the basis of race, color,
national origin, sex (including gender identity and
sexual orientation), disability, age, or reprisal or
retaliation for prior civil rights activity.
Care is provided for children ages 12 months to
3 years by loving teachers who facilitate daily
educational opportunities that foster cognitive,
physical, social and emotional development
through fun, play-based activities. Content
is scaffold in our toddler program to prepare
children for success in preschool classrooms.
This includes creating secure attachments with
caregivers and fostering independence with
self help skills like toilet learning.
Toddler (12 Months-23 Months)
Member/Potential Member. . . . . . . . . . . . .$215*/$230
Toddler (24 Months-35 Months)
Member/Potential Member. . . . . . . . . . . . .$210*/$225
3-5 Year Olds
Member/Potential Member. . . . . . . . . . . . $205*/$220
*Must have a household membership to receive member
rate for childcare.
Financial assistance is made possible through the
generous donations of our community to the Annual
Support Campaign and by the United Ways of York and
Adams Counties.
We accept third party payments from the County
Assistance Ofoce (CCIS) for all licensed child development
programs. You must apply to this orst and provide
a Determination Letter before receiving an in-house
*All programs run pending sufocient enrollment. The
YMCA reserves the right to combine small programs at
another site.
For more information, email