The Danish Startup Ecosystem Guide 2024 - Magazine - Page 38
Sponsored: This article is published in collaboration with Norlys Vækstpulje
Norlys helps Danish
startups develop new
green and digital solutions
Every year, Norlys Vækstpulje awards DKK 50 million to new initiatives that
move society in a more sustainable direction. And startups can apply today.
reen innovation. New technology. Digitalization. Research.
These are some of the keywords when Norlys Vækstpulje annually
awards around DKK 50 million to innovative startups that contribute to green
and digital societal development.
Vækstpuljen is established by Norlys,
Denmark’s largest energy and telecommunications group, which with 3,500 employees delivers energy, charging stations,
internet and TV to more than 1.7 million
households and businesses every day.
The group is owned by 800,000 cooperative members. And it is with this large
community in mind that Norlys Vækstpulje three times a year awards new
funds for exciting projects.
“Vækstpuljen is a recognition of the
challenge we all face in transforming
the world we know into a more sustainable one. We ourselves are a big part of
that transition when we invest in the
electricity grid and deliver green energy
every day, but we also want to invest in
solutions that can make a difference in
the longer term,” says Niels Rousing Vendelboe, responsible for Norlys Vækstpulje.
Although Norlys Vækstpulje is primarily
set up to support projects within Norlys’
owner geography, the fund also supports
projects outside the owner geography
with a special focus on green transition
and digitalization. And the people behind
the pool would like to see more startups
and entrepreneurs bidding in these areas,
Niels Rousing Vendelboe explains.
“One of our core values is that we are
innovative and curious. Danish startups
and entrepreneurs are some of the best
in the world when it comes to creating
new technology, growth and jobs. That’s
why we really want to support those who
need help with projects that move society
in the right direction.”
Wind turbine blades and arti昀椀cial intelligence
In 2023, Norlys Vækstpulje supported
several startup projects - seven of which
were outside the shareholder’s geography.
One of them was Reblade from
Djursland, which has developed a drone
equipped with repair tools and cameras
controlled by arti昀椀cial intelligence. This
allows the drones to land on the wind
turbine blades and perform a fully automated repair of the damage.
The repair takes just a few hours instead
of days, which means that the time the
wind turbines are idle can be signi昀椀cantly
reduced and their lifespan increased.
It was a project that Norlys could see their
values in. And the funding was a welcome
boost to the Danish startup ecosystem.
“It’s a welcome breath of fresh air
The Guide