Azaghvana E-Book 2003 - Flipbook - Page 16
List of Tables
Table 1: Population estimates of ethnic groups and languages for 1996 70
Table of Contemporaneity – combining written, oral, prehistoric and palaeoclimatic sources
Table 2: Moisel’s place names and their correct spelling 143
Table 3: Dghweɗe settlement units according to captain Lewis (1925) 144
Table 4: List of Dghweɗe settlement units and lineage names 146
Table 5a: List of the various calendrical activities during the bi-annual crop cycle 219
Table 5b: Table showing the Dghweɗe calendar linked to the Gregorian calendar 220
Table 5c: The three main labour-intensive periods of the year 222
Table 5d: List of months of the labour-intensive period 223
Table 5e: The moon cycles according to John Zakariya 223
Table 5f: The seven days of the Dghweɗe week 223
Table 5g: Bulama Ngatha's annotated field account about the bi-annual calendar 225
Table 5h: Ndruwe Dzuguma's account of his seasonal activities 229
Table 6a: List of thaghaya across Dghweɗe responsible to start planting and harvesting 243
Table 6b: Group sites and communal places of ritual function across Dghweɗe 245
Table 7a: Agricultural products in the Dghweɗe hills before Boko Haram 267
Table 7b: List of useful trees in Dghweɗe 268
Table 7c: List of useful grasses used by the Dghweɗe 273
Table 7d: List of some weeds in Dghweɗe 275
Table 8: Annotated list of ritual pots found in a traditional Dghweɗe house 328
Table 9: Sequences of how the bull festival travelled in Dghweɗe 356
Table 10: John's list of comparison of equivalents to the Dghweɗe dzum zugune stages 397
Table 11: Dghweɗe naming tradition of according to the birth position of a child 459
Table 12a: Images, description and ritual ownership of Cissus quadrangularis varieties 526
Table 12b: List of ritual vavanza without images 530