Azaghvana E-Book 2003 - Flipbook - Page 20
Plate 33b: Buba's goat shed 301
Plate 33c: Buba's entrance to cow shed 301
Plate 33d: Buba's cow shed 301
Plate 34a: Kalakwa's bed in upper room 301
Plate 34b: Abubakar's bull shed to the left side of his upper room 301
Plate 34c: Kalakwa in the upper room, with the drum, timbe, for bull festival and funerals
Plate 34d: Upper room loft opening 302
Plate 34e: Watering-place outside bull shed 302
Plate 35a: Buba's ancestor rooms 303
Plate 35b: Kalakwa's ancestor rooms 303
Plate 35c: tughdhe batiw gajije 303
Plate 35d: tughdhe kule 303
Plate 35e: sak batiw gajije 303
Plate 36a: Retired ancestor stones under bulama Ngatha's granary in Hudimche (1995) 313
Plate 37a: Buba's main three ritual thala pots in 1998 319
Plate 37b: Buba's zal jije pot in 2005 319
Plate 38a: Lakwa demonstrates how to make a small aperture disk (a) for a tughdhe pot. 320
Plate 39a: Heap of ritual potsherds next to the ruin of an abandoned house 321
Plate 39b: Broken mouth of same ritual beer pot (tughdhe) with small aperture photographed
from both sides 321
Plate 40a: Bulama Ngatha's three legged personal spirit or god pot above his bed in 1995 324
Plate 41a: Retired dungwe cooking pot for child under bulama Ngatha's granary (1995) 325
Plate 41b: Retired dungwe spirit pot for child under Buba's granary (2005) 325
Plate 41c: Calabash on top of a twin pot for a girl under one of Buba's granaries 326
Plate 41d: A twin pot of a girl with the typical divided aperture under one of Buba's granaries
Plate 42a: Twin pot for a boy has two small apertures (b). 326
Plate 43a: Tughdhe gude and other pots in Kalikwa's first wife's gude 329
Plate 44a: Possible important waypoint for Buba during har gwazgafte 331
Plate 44b: Buba's main entrance from inside 332
Plate 44c: Buba's long entrance platform 332
Plate 45a: Storage basket full of sorghum 333
Plate 45b: Bulama Ngatha in 1995 333
Plate 46a: Retired rainstones in Kalakwa Wila's house 335
Plates 47a to 59e: Documentation of objects relevant for dzum zugune (Chapter 3.14) 369
Plate 60a: Ritual dunghole 389
Plate 60b: Group of rock seats for lineage elders nearby 389