Using mini whiteboards in the MFL classroom - Flipbook - Page 2
Using mini whiteboards in the MFL classroom
Mini whiteboards are a great way to quickly determine who understands a concept and who still needs
more practice. Students write on their board and hold it up for you to see. By quickly scanning the
room, you will get an instant sense of which students are on track and which students still require
more practice or teaching. Show me boards can also be used for group and pair work Show me boards
can be used for brainstorming at the start of a topic, for practicing new language and for checking
understanding and assessment.
These are some suggestions:
Checking in
The teacher asks the students to reect on their understanding of a
topic/questions. Student can write a word or a symbol to indicate the stage they
are at such as an emoji or a word in the target language.
Review learning
At the end of class ask students to write something they learnt during the lesson
that satises the lesson objective.
Think pair and share with a partner and discuss their ideas. They then share with another pair and
What I know / want to know
Individually, students write everything they know about a topic on one side. One
the other side, they write down a list of what they want to know more about.
Listen and draw
In pairs, student A described a scene or an object. Student
Listen and write
Read a sentence and leave a word out. Students write the missing word and show
the board. Individually, students listen and write down key words / words they don’t
understand / as they listen to a text or watch a video. Teacher can also ask them to
write a particular type of words. For example, verbs in the past tense, adverbs,
depending on the focus of the lesson. They can compare their boards with their
partners before showing to the class/teacher.
Students rst write down their thought on topic/discussion. Then, their pair up
choose the best idea/comment etc.