Using mini whiteboards in the MFL classroom - Flipbook - Page 5
Create a writing task that has four distinct parts. Students are put into groups of 4
and write one part each individually. After a sufficient amount of time has elapsed to
allow students to write an appropriate amount, the group them puts their boards
together and review the four pieces as a whole. Students are then encouraged to
make changes so that the piece reads like a whole piece of writing. Students can
take a picture of this or copy it into their copy books. Whiteboards are also easy to
photocopy to keep a record.
Lyrics Training
Write out the lyrics to a song in the target language on the board but with words
missing. Try to choose words where there is rhyming patterns. This would work well
on a powerpoint where you can use animation to introduce words slowly. AS
students listen to the song, they try to write down the word that’s missing on the
mini whiteboard and hold it up. This technique could also be used with a cloze