EMIS ReportDesign-Prelim 2020sep11 - Flipbook - Page 33
EMIS Product and
Service Trends
Numerous product options exist for selection of
EMIS, with a trend toward combined EIS and
FDD products
MBCx services that analyze, verify, and help
fix issues found through use of EMIS becoming
more common
his section presents trends in EMIS product
and services delivery based on interviews
with over 100 building engineers or energy
managers and software demonstrations from dozens
of EMIS developers. As EMIS technology advances, so
does the service structures offered to support owners
implementing these tools.
4.1 EMIS Products and Selection
Given the wide variety of available features, selecting
an EMIS can be a challenging task. Most Campaign
participants knew whether they wanted to start with
implementing an EIS or with FDD. Whether they started
with an EIS or FDD, almost all participants were
striving for an EMIS design that
There are
was flexible for future expansion.
over 100 EMIS Some participants wanted as many
products in
energy management features
the market
in one tool as possible to avoid
multiple tools and software
interfaces, while others brought together solutions
using multiple software products.
Organizations either went through a request for
proposals (RFP) process or chose an EMIS based on
software demonstrations and interviews. In either
case, there were a variety of different reasons for
choosing their vendor; for example, the desire to
program the software using in-house labor, ease
of implementation within existing maintenance
processes, and known use by peers.
Through the course of the Campaign, more than
100 EMIS products were available in the market
(68 EIS products, 34 FDD products, and 8 ASO
products), which is a representative snapshot
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