EMIS ReportDesign-Prelim 2020sep11 - Flipbook - Page 9
Introduction &
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uildings are full of hidden energy savings
potential that can be uncovered with the right
analysis. With sophisticated software to inform
and assist in building operations, building owners now
are reducing energy and improving operations using
building data analytics.
The cornerstone of successful building data
analytics is the ability to extract accurate and
actionable insights from large amounts of data.
Modern building automation systems (BAS) monitor
hundreds of points per building, and an owner may
have a portfolio generating many thousands of data
points every hour. The BAS can provide alarms for
points out of range, but the analytical capabilities fall
well short of helping achieve an optimized system.
Further, common analysis tools for energy meter
data tend to manage the monthly bills but do not
support hourly interval data. Energy management and
information systems (EMIS) are software that provide
the needed analytical horsepower to building owners
as they work to find meaning from data.
What are EMIS and MBCx?
EMIS are the broad and rapidly evolving family of tools
that monitor, analyze, and control building energy use
and system performance. The data generated from
EMIS tools enable building owners to operate their
buildings more efficiently and with improved occupant
comfort by providing visibility into and analysis of the
energy consumed by lighting, space conditioning and
ventilation, and other end uses. EMIS tools are used in
the monitoring-based commissioning (MBCx) process
to organize, present, visualize, and analyze the data.
There is no consensus definition of EMIS, but a
broad categorization framework has been developed
Berkeley Lab | Proving the Business Case for Building Analytics