Sasol Sustainability Report 2023 - Book - Page 63
Employee numbers refers to employees that are assigned to approved Sasol
organisational structure Staff Establishment positions, including permanent and
non-permanent structure (Project positions, non-permanent employee positions)
as well as individuals that exist outside of formally approve Sasol organisational
structures and are treated based on equity accounting principles e.g. mainly joint
2. The Recordable Case Rate (RCR) is a measure for reporting work-related injuries. The
RCR is the number of fatalities, lost workdays cases, restricted workday injuries and
medical treatment cases for every 200 000 exposure hours worked. Exposure hours
are defined as the total number of hours the employees or service providers have
spent in the work environment defined to be Sasol premises where the employee or
service provider is potentially exposed to harm, while engaged in work activities.
3. A fire, explosion or release (FER) incident is registered as Major when: the severity
index is greater than or equal to 40 or an incident resulting in a fatality or multiple
hospitalisations will be elevated to a Major FER. Level 2 Incidents: Significant 3 Severity
index of greater than or equal to 26, but less than 40. Additional criteria, which will
elevate an incident to significant: 3 A Lost Workday Case (LWDC) or a more serious
injury or Direct financial loss greater than $25 000. Exceeds the CCPS Tier 1 threshold
quantity for a given hazardous chemical classification. Mining as well as buildings
(e.g. LPG at Sasol Place) are excluded from the Process Safety KPIs (FERs).
4. Illnesses are recorded as work-related as a precautionary measure. The various
evaluation authorities may subsequently classify them as not work-related, in which
instance they are removed from the records. In addition, service provider illnesses have
been recorded. Reversible and irreversible occupational diseases are now separated
and additional reporting categories have been included to enable a comprehensive
disease overview required for continuous improvement and a proactive approach in
occupational health management.
5. Investment in employee learning excludes the compulsory 1% skills levy.
6. Black employees refers to African, Coloured and Indian people 3 for the purposes of
South African employment equity considerations.
7. Production 3 external sales 3 The boundaries of this figure only include a product that
is destined for sale to Sasol customers and does not include a product utilised or sold
between the Sasol Group of companies.
8. Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions have been calculated and reported in accordance
with the GHG Protocol ( and the Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change (IPCC) 2006 Guidelines. In our GHG measurements, we have included
100% of the emissions for the following joint ventures (JVs): Natref in South Africa and
Gas Sourcing & Operations in Mozambique. Data for those JVs where we do not have a
significant influence or operational control is not included. An external assurance
provider has once again independently verified our direct and indirect emissions levels.
9. The increase in emissions are attributed to the inclusion of all methane and nitrous
oxide from stationary emissions. The South African regulations impose mandatory
reporting of nitrous oxide and methane associated with activities, through the
utilisation of non-Sasol specific emission factors. In light of the requirement for clear
and comprehensive emission inventories, a decision has been made to include these
emissions. Note changes to methane, nitrous oxide, scope 1 will impact on the
calculation of Direct carbon dioxide (CO2) Scope 1 (CO2 equivalent) and Total greenhouse
gas (CO2 equivalent).
10. Methodological changes associated with revised coal bed methane emission factors
necessitated a restatement of previously reported emissions. Calculation error
corrected for 2020.
11. Methane emissions associated with fuel oil combustion previously excluded for 2020.
12. The sum of greenhouse gas emissions from methane, nitrous oxides and carbon
dioxide (Scope 1 only) are expressed as CO2 equivalence emitted and reported as direct
scope 1 CO2e.
13. Methodological changes and emission factor updates resulted in marginal changes in
emission profile. Note the changes to methane, nitrous oxide, scope 1 will impact on
the calculation of Direct carbon dioxide (CO2) Scope 1 (CO2 equivalent) and Total
greenhouse gas (CO2 equivalent).
14. Methodological improvements as well as detailed site assessments allowed for more
comprehensive reporting of emissions. Note the changes to methane, nitrous oxide,
scope 1 will impact on the calculation of Direct carbon dioxide (CO2) Scope 1
(CO2 equivalent) and Total greenhouse gas (CO2 equivalent).
15. Reporting improvement to reflect latest values and ensure concise and comprehensive
reporting. Note the changes to methane, nitrous oxide, scope 1 will impact on the
calculation of Direct carbon dioxide (CO2) Scope 1 (CO2 equivalent) and Total greenhouse
gas (CO2 equivalent).
16. Increase attributed to inclusion of steam obtained from the joint venture at Lake Charles
that was previously excluded. Note the changes to methane, nitrous oxide, scope 1 will
impact on the calculation of Direct carbon dioxide (CO2) Scope 1 (CO2 equivalent) and
Total greenhouse gas (CO2 equivalent).
17. Off peak demand consumption values were adjusted to Energy Consumption (All). Note
the changes in scope 2 emissions will impact on Total greenhouse gas (CO2 equivalent)
18. Green certificates issued to Eurasia resulting in reduction of non-renewable electricity
and scope 2 emissions. Note the changes in scope 2 emissions will impact on Total
greenhouse gas (CO2 equivalent) calculations.
19. The increase in scope 2 emissions is attributed to the inclusion of steam purchased
from the joint venture with LyondellBasell.
20. GHG intensity CO2e/ton of product meant for external sale.
21. This intensity provides insight into the total emissions per ton of product produced
irrespective of the final destination of these products. This provides a more
representative view of site intensity irrespective of the nature of the operation.
The total production values utilised for this calculation is based on operational
management control and is in line with Sasol9s SD data reporting philosophy which
excludes subsidiaries and joint ventures at which Sasol has no management control.
22. The reduction in VOC values is attributed to installation of a closed pipe draining
system at Gas Liquor Separation tanks that replaced open channels 3 this results in
reduced evaporative impacts.
23. For reporting purposes, a waste is hazardous as defined by national legislation at the
point of generation. In situations with insufficient guidance from legislation, the
hazardous waste is reported if it is (i) removed from the premises for disposal and/or
treatment, or (ii) disposed of on-site (e.g. by landfill). These figures exclude coarse ash
from waste materials left over from manufacturing or consumption, which may be
reused or recycled. Non-hazardous waste is waste which requires disposal on a general
waste landfill site.
24. Reporting of steam purchased from both renewable and non-renewable sources
commenced in FY22. Prior to FY22, all steam purchased was accounted for in