The Ethanol Papers - Paperturn manuscript - Flipbook - Page 421
Meet The New 'Tool' In Big Oil's Efforts
To Scuttle Ethanol
An open letter to George "David" Banks
Originally published March 21, 2016
Hi David I just finished reading your article "Renewable Fuel Standard Continues To Devastate," published in February on the High Plains Leader & Times website.
The first thing I did was to visit the American Council for Capital Formation
(ACCF) website, the organization for which you are listed as Executive Vice
President. I was curious to learn of your background and to try and determine
where your information comes from. I noticed that Richard Rahn from Cato Institute is on your Board of Directors, so I presume you may have received some
input from him. In fact, your article looks suspiciously like an article that Mr.
Rahn published on in 2012 called “Biofuels Not Worth the Trouble or Cost.”