GCC Catalog 2023-2024 - Flipbook - Page 35
(Subject to change by action of the GCC Board of Trustees)
The Board of Trustees establishes tuition rates. All students except senior citizens will pay the rate as
established by the Board of Trustees.
*Some occupational programs have a differential tuition charge per credit hour in addition to the regular per
credit tuition rate.
Courses offered as CED (continuing education) and some workshops are offered on a cost plus basis as
determined by the administration and available at the time of registration. All students, including senior
citizens will pay the established rates for these offerings.
(Subject to change by action of the GCC Board of Trustees)
Institutional Fees - $4 per credit hour (maximum charge of $60/semester). Courses offered as C.E.D. or
workshops (both credit and non-credit) are exempt from the institutional fee requirement. Institutional fees
help to offset registration costs and other administrative costs associated with attending college.
Information Technology Fee - $4 per credit hour up to a maximum of $60. The fee offsets the Information
Technology infrastructure that provides student access to computer labs, email, online registration, IT
security, and other essential aspects of service.
Laboratory Fees - A schedule of lab fees is posted on the GCC website.
Internet Course Fee – All internet courses have an additional fee of $20 each. The fee offsets extra costs
associated with offering courses in this specialized format.
Facility Fee - $4 per credit hour for all students. The fee covers facility maintenance and upgrades to support a
safe and valued learning environment for all students.
Contact Hour Charge – An added tuition charge is assessed for any course which has instructional contact
hours greater than the credit hour value of a course. The fee for excess contact hours is currently set at the indistrict tuition rate, but is subject to change as tuition rates change. This rate is set the same for all students
regardless of residency status. The maximum number of contact hours a student may be charged each
semester is set at three, limiting the current overall contact hour charge.
Example 1. MTH 110 College Algebra is a four credit course, which typically meets four days a week for one
hour of instruction each day. There are four hours of instructor contact per week. In this course, the credit
value of the course (4) is equal to the weekly hours of instruction (4). Since the credits equal the contacts,
there is no additional contact hour charge for this course.
Example 2. BIO 101 Principles of Biology I is a four credit course which meets each week for three hours of
lecture and three hours of lab, for a total of six instructional contact hours per week. In this course, the credit
value of the course (4) is less than the weekly hours of instruction (6) by two (2) hours. There is a charge
added to the student’s bill for these two extra contact hours.