EMIS ReportDesign-Prelim 2020sep11 - Flipbook - Page 17
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n this section, we summarize information from
104 public and private sector organizations,
representing a total gross floor area of 567
million sq ft and more than 6,500 buildings. Nineteen
participants had not yet implemented their EMIS, and
did not have data to report. Therefore, our analysis
of the EMIS systems installed, represented in Figure
6 (page X) and higher, is based on 85 participating
organizations representing more than 506 million
square feet and 5,900 buildings. There were different
reporting rates for different data requests, and the
number of participants (n) and square footage are
reported for each finding. The findings provide an
overview of the types of activities, analytic tools,
and energy management processes that Campaign
participants use. The section also summarizes EMIS
and MBCx benefits, costs, and cost-effectiveness
3.1 Participant Characterization
Participants are mainly in the office and higher
education market sectors, with healthcare and
government laboratories also represented (Figure
3, next page). The most common portfolio size is
between 1 million and 5 million sq ft (Figure 4, next
page). The median building size with EIS installed is
91,000 sq ft and with FDD installed is 155,000 sq ft.
The median number of buildings per portfolio with EIS
is 27 and with FDD is 8.
Almost all Campaign participants have access or
are gaining access to whole building hourly data in
addition to their monthly utility bill data, and almost 40
percent of participants have submeter data for tenants
or end uses. Those who do not have whole building
hourly data are FDD users who have not integrated
meter data into their FDD software. In addition to
Berkeley Lab | Proving the Business Case for Building Analytics