EMIS ReportDesign-Prelim 2020sep11 - Flipbook - Page 29
In-house labor cost
Last, we summarize the time it takes for in-house
staff to use the EMIS to identify and follow up on
issues. Figure 12 shows bars by organization. Each
organization interacts with their EIS about one hour per
month per building and interact with their FDD about
eight hours per month per building. It is not surprising
that owners spend more time using their FDD
software than their EIS software, due to the detailed
recommendations included with FDD implementation
and the larger median
Overall, the total cost of building size for buildings
use and ownership for
with FDD in the dataset.
The time it takes
EIS was lower than that
in-house staff to utilize
for FDD. With easier
installation, EIS is often the EMIS is a significant
portion of overall
the point of entry for
EMIS costs. While
an owner new to EMIS.
the labor cost may be
FDD implementations
embedded in the existing
have more data streams
staff workload (and
and complexity
thus may not require
in implementing
additional funding),
diagnostics, therefore
estimates of the labor
higher costs than
cost from building
those associated with
staff were significantly
EIS can be expected.
higher than the recurring
costs for FDD. The
high end of the labor cost was reported from sites in
their first year of FDD installation, during which time
many faults were detected that may have existed for
some time. Not surprisingly, the highest labor costs
occurred at sites that use in-house staff to manage
the MBCx process rather than service providers since
service provider costs are considered recurring costs
in our cost categorization methodology.
building connected to the EIS. Costs per point
for FDD are low since more than 1,600 BAS points
per building8 are integrated. The median cost per
building to implement FDD was shown to be more
than eight times higher than that to implement EIS,
however the median building size with FDD was larger
(155,000 sq ft) than the median building size with EIS
(90,000 sq ft).
When considering the price of EMIS software it
is important to consider the full picture of base and
recurring costs. For example, with the study cohort,
there were instances where the base costs were low,
but the recurring costs were much higher than average.
There were also instances where the base cost was
high but there was little to no recurring cost, since the
software was hosted and managed in-house.
While we have calculated costs per point, per
building, and per square foot, vendors price their
systems in various ways. Some EMIS vendors price by
groups of points (e.g., cost per 10,000 points), while
others price per building or based on total floor area.
When there are recurring software costs, these costs
generally begin once the EMIS has been fully installed.
FIGURE 12: Estimated in-house labor cost by EMIS Type
In-house labor hours/month per building
(n = 46)
Median EIS labor 1 hour/month
per building (n=18)
Median FDD labor 8 hours/month
per building (n=28
The average number of BAS points per building integrated with the FDD software was calculated for each participant, and the median of
those values is 1,655 points.
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