The Ethanol Papers - Paperturn manuscript - Flipbook - Page 535
the air we breathe, wasn't six decades of tetraethyl lead bad enough? Don't we
have enough respiratory illnesses? Don't we have enough children with autism?
And while I'm on the subject of aren't things bad enough, why would anyone in
their right mind want to listen to anything that BP has to say? Haven't they already proven that they have no interest in humans and other living animals?
By the way, you mention ethanol's "energy density" as a problem by making
cars less fuel efficient when it is added to gasoline. Energy density (energy
content) is irrelevant in an internal combustion engine. Mechanical engine optimization is the key. An engine mechanically optimized to run on ethanol will
provide comparable or better MPG than a gasoline optimized engine running
on gasoline, and tests have shown that certain blend levels (i.e., E30) will deliver more MPG in a non-flex fuel vehicle than E0.
• The Irrelevance Of BTU Rating - Big Oil's Gimmick To Hoodwink The
• Fuel Economy and Power Generation of 30% Ethanol (E30)
• Effects of High-Octane Ethanol Blends
• Study Finds Certain Ethanol Blends Can Provide Better Fuel Economy
Than Gasoline
• The Effect of Ethanol-Gasoline Blends - University of Nottingham...
• The Effect of Ethanol-Gasoline Blends
• High performance Wayne State ethanol car wins 1998 Ethanol Vehicle
• Ethanol Vehicle Challenge
John, why does the Washington Examiner continue to publish absurd, incorrect
stories about ethanol. Don't you understand that intentionally publishing incorrect information about one subject negatively affects your credibility on all other