Follow - Magazine - Page 1
Dear Parents and Carers,
In this Sunday’s Gospel, Peter (after a night of failed
fishing) is finally successful and realises his true calling
because he listens to and follows Jesus’ instructions.
It’s important to make the right choice about who or what
we follow in life. Simply following our desires and
feelings, which often change, can leave us feeling
unsatisfied. Jesus invites each and every one of us to
make following him our most important priority.
A Gift to You & Your Family
from Your Catholic School
Wednesday 5th February 2025
We follow Jesus whenever we are kind, try to make
peace, and make others feel welcome. Choosing to
follow him is not always easy but it really does guide
and help our families to keep growing in wisdom and
Enjoy a very special time together this evening, hearing
your child’s thoughts about this Sunday’s Gospel
and this Wednesday’s word, which is FOLLOW.
Dom Henry Wansbrough
Word from
Pope Francis
“To follow Jesus means to share his love for every human being.”
Sunday 9th February 2025
When Jesus had finished teaching by
the lakeside he said to Simon Peter,
“Sail out into deep water and let
down your nets.” “Master,” Simon
Peter replied, “we worked hard all
night long and caught nothing, but
if you say so, I will let down the nets.” And when
he and his companions had done this they netted
such a huge number of fish that their nets began
to tear and they filled their two boats to sinking
point. When Simon Peter saw this he fell at the
knees of Jesus saying, “Leave me, Lord; I am a
sinful man.” For he and all his companions were
completely overcome by the catch they had
made. But Jesus said to Simon Peter, “Do not be
afraid; from now on it is people you will catch.”
Then, bringing their boats back to land, they left
everything and followed him.
Adapted from Luke 5:1-11
The 5th Sunday of Ordinary Time, Year C
Learn mor
e about this Sunday’s Gospel in your
local Parish Church: all are very warmly invited.
2025: The Jubilee Year of Hope!
Having Hope
our Families
In this Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus promised the fishermen that, if they followed
him, they would bring home more than fish: they would bring people back
to God. By following Jesus, we too can help others to know and love God –
to find the happiness which comes from knowing and following Jesus.
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Artwork © The Wednesday Word. Imprimatur: + Marcus Stock, Bishop of Leeds. © Copyright 2025 The Wednesday Word Ltd. A Registered Charity in England and Wales No. 1125628 and a Company Limited by Guarantee No.06608122